Thursday, July 30, 2015

How to tackle corruption?

 How to tackle corruption?

From materialistic point of view: Do not fall prey to corruption. Do not give bribes. Do your homework of what you want to buy or what service you need well ahead. Find out the real places that do no corrupt and connect with them. Forget small losses, be ready to tire a lot to find the true places of non-corruption and proceed.

From psychological point of view: Use your pen to raise grievances, amicably. Have knowledge of the person or institution against whom you are complaining and act wisely. Find other amicable ways to teach lessons. Never give up.

From spiritual point of view: The corrupted money is not ours, in any case. We were born with nothing and we will not take anything from here, when we leave the current earthly mission. The money is still there in the world somewhere. Nature will find a way to make that money flow. Anyone can become corrupt, if we lose our basics. So forgive and forget. Do not lose your senses for this petty issue and lose yourself to corruption.

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