Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hanuman’s ‘Chiranjeevi’ness

Hanuman’s ‘Chiranjeevi’ness

Hanuman Jayanthi is usually celebrated in April all round the country.
Lord Hanuman’s star is Moolam.

Lord Hanuman is a Chiranjeevi [Chiram (long) + Jeevi (life)], which in earthly sense means death-defying personality.
[Hinduism notes 7 such chiranjeevies, and some scriptures add more]. This does not mean that Hanuman did not get Moksha [right to live in the Kingdom of God] - he did receive Moksha, and he decided to stay in this world. Whether he is in the Spiritual World (God's Kingdom) or here in this world, he has the same activity. When it was time for Lord Rama to depart to Vaikundam, many of his entourage wanted to accompany Him. However, Hanuman requested from Rama that he would be on the earth to listen to Rama Nama rather to His various other names as Vishnu in Vaikundam. Sita accorded him that wish and granted that his image would be installed in various public places, so that he could listen to people chanting Rama's name. Sita also bestowed that Hanuman would be ever-youthful, vivacious, dynamic and immortal.

Let us also join Hanuman in spreading the name of Ram and spirituality and live in this material world amicably.

Jai Sita Ram. Jai Hanuman.

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