Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Honouring God

God in me Honours the God in you All.
Shed all ego and listen to the names of Gods.
Do not go to temples asking for favours.
Plan, Pray and Proceed - results will come when you deserve.
Remove the evil in you and others and Godify the bodies and souls.
Hari Om.

Krishna Jayanthi - the reason for celebration

Krishna Jayanthi

Krishna Jayanthi. Birth of Krishna.

However the main concept of Krishna was to bring a rule of righteousness and Nirbhaya (doing good without expectation and not doing bad) was the central idea of it. A righteous leader should ensure that there is collective help. When people are unable to make their own food, the others will help to feed them. With that thought, lets spread the actions to bring peace around us.Lets help the needy in time. Hari Om.

Who discovered the San Francisco Bay Area in the modern era ?

Sir Francis Drake

Few facts:
1) Francis was a legendary according to the Britishers since he was born in England and gave allegiance to British - he was a sea captain (captain of ship), privateer, navigator, slaver and politician.
2) So, part of his work was to attack ships of other countries and so his team looted and he was also a pirate from the views of other countries- hence the Spanish called him El Draque (The Dragon) or Draco (latin usage)
3) Weath =             Equiv. US $126 million today; Second position in the list of  Forbes top-earning pirates  (number one is Samuel Black Sam Bellamy)
4) Elizabeth I of England awarded Drake a knighthood in 1581

Who is a privateer: member of a warship, combat ship, war vessel. (a warship is also known as privateer)

Who is a slaver : person involved in slave trade

What is being legendary : famous, but related to myth ; fabled ; unreal

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Character vs Outlook

Let us consider a cow.
A milkmaid considers a cow as an animal that gives milk for her living.
A calf considers her cow as her mother.
A farmer considers her as Goddess and pray for well-being.
A butcher considers as to how much meat a cow can supply.
A belt-maker considers how much skin can be used.
So, the properties/characters of an object changes from the perspective of how it is looked at or who looks at it. But the object might have all the properties/characters.
Message: People spend too much time worrying about what others might think about them or consider them. That is not needed. Do not give much importance to it. Just have it as a small thought somewhere in your brain. 
As a matter of fact, many would be having only these thoughts, thoughts about themselves and may not even be thinking about you

Thursday, July 30, 2015

How to tackle corruption?

 How to tackle corruption?

From materialistic point of view: Do not fall prey to corruption. Do not give bribes. Do your homework of what you want to buy or what service you need well ahead. Find out the real places that do no corrupt and connect with them. Forget small losses, be ready to tire a lot to find the true places of non-corruption and proceed.

From psychological point of view: Use your pen to raise grievances, amicably. Have knowledge of the person or institution against whom you are complaining and act wisely. Find other amicable ways to teach lessons. Never give up.

From spiritual point of view: The corrupted money is not ours, in any case. We were born with nothing and we will not take anything from here, when we leave the current earthly mission. The money is still there in the world somewhere. Nature will find a way to make that money flow. Anyone can become corrupt, if we lose our basics. So forgive and forget. Do not lose your senses for this petty issue and lose yourself to corruption.

Hanuman’s ‘Chiranjeevi’ness

Hanuman’s ‘Chiranjeevi’ness

Hanuman Jayanthi is usually celebrated in April all round the country.
Lord Hanuman’s star is Moolam.

Lord Hanuman is a Chiranjeevi [Chiram (long) + Jeevi (life)], which in earthly sense means death-defying personality.
[Hinduism notes 7 such chiranjeevies, and some scriptures add more]. This does not mean that Hanuman did not get Moksha [right to live in the Kingdom of God] - he did receive Moksha, and he decided to stay in this world. Whether he is in the Spiritual World (God's Kingdom) or here in this world, he has the same activity. When it was time for Lord Rama to depart to Vaikundam, many of his entourage wanted to accompany Him. However, Hanuman requested from Rama that he would be on the earth to listen to Rama Nama rather to His various other names as Vishnu in Vaikundam. Sita accorded him that wish and granted that his image would be installed in various public places, so that he could listen to people chanting Rama's name. Sita also bestowed that Hanuman would be ever-youthful, vivacious, dynamic and immortal.

Let us also join Hanuman in spreading the name of Ram and spirituality and live in this material world amicably.

Jai Sita Ram. Jai Hanuman.

Guru Purnima, July 31,2015

Guru Purnima, July 31,2015

July 31st this year, is auspicious in that we have a Hinduism based Teacher’s day. Teacher here primarily refers to spiritual leader.

The festival is dedicated to teachers of both spiritual and academic fields and is traditionally celebrated by Hindus, apart from Jains and Buddhists, two offshoots of Hindus.

Guru in Sanskrit means dispeller of darkness and hence the Guru, dispels the darkness of ignorance and leads the aspirants on the path to enlightenment.
Guru Purnima falls on the full moon day of Ashadha month (July-August, Karkidakam or Avani month). Guru pooja or guru worship is the idea behind this day.

Guru Purnima commemorates with two traditional incidents:
a) the very first transmission of yogic sciences from Shiva (the Adiyogi or first yogi) to the Saptharishis, the seven celebrated sages.

b) the birth anniversary of Veda Vyasa, who is a revered and central figure in Hindu traditions. He is considered as the scribe of both the Vedas and Puranas.

Veda Vyasa lived around the 3rd Millennium BC. This great sage is considered as one of the seven Chiranjivins (immortals), according to Hindu belief.

Adi Shankara, Sri Ramanuja Acharya and Sri Madhvacharya are some of the noteworthy Gurus in Hinduism.

Buddhists also celebrate Guru Purnima in the honour of Gautama Buddha to commemorate the day when Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India. Guru Purnima is also considered as the day when Vyasa split the Vedas.

Let us pay our obeisance to all the spiritual Gurus, who continue to guide us in this world.